Connect Google Cloud subscription

In order to link your own existing Google Cloud subscription in oneclick™, you need some data from your subscription.

Data from the Google Cloud subscription

  1. Log in to your Google Cloud Account.
  2. Click on Console.
  3. If necessary, create a new project.
    1. Click on the actual selected project and then on New Project.
    2. Enter a name of your choice and click on Create.
  4. When creating a new project, activate the Compute Engine API.
    1. To do this, go to the menu item APIs & Services and then click on enable APIs and Services.
    2. Search for Compute Engine API and select it.
    3. Click on enable to activate the API.
  5. Create a service account.
    1. To do this, go to IAM & Admin in the menu and then to Service Accounts.
    2. Click on Create Service Account.
    3. Enter a name of your choice and click on Create and Continue.
    4. Select the role “Editor” and then go directly to Done. Your service account has been created.
    5. Click on your newly created service account and then go to the Keys tab. Click on Add key and select Create new key.
    6. Keep the selection “JSON” and click on Create.
    7. Your private key will now be downloaded. Keep it safe.

Enter data in the oneclick™ Admin

  1. In the oneclick™ Admin, click on Connections in the Resources tab.
  2. Click on the + Icon to connect your cloud subscription in oneclick™.
  3. Select the Cloud Resources tile and click on the required cloud provider.
  4. Give the connection a name of your choice and upload your downloaded file here.
  5. Click Save in oneclick™. Your Google Cloud subscription is now linked and existing resources are read out.
    You will only be charged when using virtual machines.
  6. You can now create virtual maschines.